Pollution Control Measures
- * ESP with 99.9% efficiency is installed in all three units. Resultantly, particulate matters are within new specified norms (50 mg/NM3) of emission.
- * In addition to installing low NOx burners, OFA and LOFA, combustion modification in all three units have been done to achieve further reduction in emission value of NOx. The station complies new specified norms of NOx emission(450mg/NM3) in all three units.
- * For bringing SO2 within new specified norms (200 mg/NM3) of emission, FGD System in all three units are being installed and is expected to be complete well within the specified date notified vide Gazette Notification dt.31.03.2021.
- * Stack emissions are being continuously monitored through CEMS, ambient air through AAQMS and effluent quality through EQMS. CEMS & EQMS data are linked to HSPCB & CPCB for monitoring and remote calibration check
- * IGSTPS is a Zero Liquid Effluent Discharge (ZLD) station. 100 % waste water generated in plant is being utilized within the plant. No effluent is being discharged outside the plant premises. PTZ camera has been installed at the effluent pump discharge and access has been given to HSPCB and CPCB for monitoring from their end.
- * Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), Ash Water Recirculation System(AWRS), Seepage water Recirculation System, Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), Coal Slurry Settling Pits (CSSPs), RO Plant etc. are in operation. These systems ensure that waste water generated in plant is treated and re-circulated for reuse within the station. COC of 6 is being maintained in Closed Circuit cooling system
- * Specific Water Consumption of the station is within CPCB specified limit of 3.5 M3/MWh. APCPL has an elaborate arrangement for rain water conservation- collection through storm water RCC drains in a sump and further transferring to reservoir through storm water pumps. Thus by treating effluent water and reusing the same and conserving rain water, APCPL is not only conserving precious water resources but has also been successful in not allowing any effluent to go to outside and pollute the environment
- * Dust suppression systems, DFDS (Dry fog dust suppression systems), DE (Dust Extraction Systems) & Cold Fog Dust Suppression System are in place to control and minimize coal dust.
- * DAES (Dry Ash Extraction System) is functioning 24x7 for smooth ash evacuation and disposal of ash by directly loading ash from Ash Silos in Ash Bulkers. APCPL has been successful in 100% Ash utilisation in last three years.
- * About 30,000 trees have been planted around Ash Ponds which work as screen against fugitive dust going to the surroundings from ash ponds.
- * Regular monitoring of ground water quality including heavy metals is being undertaken around ash dyke and project area through EPA accredited Laboratory for early detection of any deterioration in ground water around APCPL.
- * Bio-methanation plant of 100kg/day capacity uses kitchen waste to produce Methane gas in gas stoves.
- * Ash Brick Manufacturing plant having manufacturing capacity of about 2000 bricks per hour is installed and operational.
- * Biomass pelletizer is being installed for manufacturing biomass pellet using agro (Biodegradable)waste generated from plant and township.
- * Bio-waste is used for preparing Compost.
- * About one third of plant area has been developed as GREEN COVER. It has enabled the flora and fauna around the plant to grow and flourish. The green cover has immensely helped in decreasing CO2 and releasing oxygen in the surrounding air, thereby improving air quality.
- * Water Reservoirs spread in about 350 acres and Ash Dyke lagoon in about 300 acres are special attraction for birds and aquatic organisms. A 100-meter-wide Green belt around two water reservoirs is the abode of a variety of microorganisms which live in harmony in their natural habitat. Thus, the lush green environment of APCPL is not only soothing to the eyes but also help conservation and growth of flora and fauna in it.